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Did you know that Haiti is one of the poorest countries of the world?

Receiving an education will change the lives of these cildren. Many of their parents cannot read or write. Getting an education is difficult in Haiti and it is never free. Most of the parents cannot afford to pay for all of their children to attend school, so they pick one or two of their children who are the brightest, and the other children sit at home or work in their parent's gardens.

We believe that every child in Haiti deserved the chance to attend school, wheter they are the brightest child in the family or not. Through education, Haiti will change. It will become more open in the way things are done and how the country is governed. Hopefully an educated population can help make wise choices in government elections, and find ways to help reverse the cycle of poverty that has Haiti in its grip.

BCEELULL LU32 0019 3855 8231 6000


“ Vivant qui passe, salue toujours la croix avec déférence car sur elle le Christ est mort pour toi, afin qu’une heureuse éternité soit ton espérence. ”

Goeury du Coeur

Association Goeury du Coeur